Round 3 of Surgery

Thursday, February 24, 2011

After 20 months since his last surgery we are right around the corner from Griffin's final heart surgery. Everything has been going so well with his development and his heart over the past year and half, that it is hard to believe we are re-entering the world of labs, procedures, and operations. Looking at him you would never know that he has a heart defect. The only indicator is his shortness of breath from all the running around he does.

As I write this, Griffin is having a cardiac catheter. It is a 3 hour procedure where they will run two or three lines through his neck and groin and allows the doctors to have an accurate blueprint of his heart when they perform the next surgery. The recovery will be difficult because he has to lay flat for six hours after the cardiac cath. Anyone with little children knows this is a difficult task. Pray that the procedure will go smoothly and that the recovery will be quick.

Here is a little video and some pictures of him before he went in.

hinger happenings