Thursday, June 2, 2011
first time up since surgery
mother's touch makes a difference
I have been attempting to write this on my computer but for some reason the hospital internet is acting up. So here I am typing this out on my phone.
I forgot how difficult the recovery is after surgery. I think Griffin's high spirit's this entire hospital stay had me thinking he would bounce back with no problems. However, let's remember those small details about his chest being cut open, rib cage cracked open, and his heart being worked on. Yeah. I would be in a lot of pain and a lot crankier than he has ever been. I have to give my man credit, he has endured so much. All I've had to is sleep on a couch for a couple weeks. That is nowhere near as difficult as being pinned to the bed for blood draws, woken up in the middle of the night for blood pressure, tubes hanging out of his chest, waking up in pain from surgery, and so on. Griffin is truly my hero and my inspiration. If he can maintain an excellent attitude then so can I.
Today has been all about recovery, were not even thinking about fluid yet. It's one step at a time. He made a remarkable turn around from last night and this morning where he was crying and agitated. By the afternoon he was actually smiling, talking, and eating (does ice cream count). Amber and the kids came up to visit and big brother Eli was amazing. He has had a really difficult time being separated from his little brother and his dad. He played with Griffin and helped him turn the corner (the morphine didn't hurt either).
I am amazed at the amount of support and prayer we have received, it is humbling to know that so many people are pleading at the feet of the Father on behalf of our son. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. As a good friend reminded me today we have a Father who is sympathetic towards us. He knows the pain of watching a son suffer, we do not walk this path alone. When I read those words this morning I was in tears thinking about God the Father seeing his son; beaten, mocked, and crucified all to pay the price for my sin. I wouldn't put my son through any of this for someone else's sin. The words of the old hymn ring true, "How deep the Father's love for us..."
In the days ahead will lie the verdict of Griffin being able to come home. Continue to pray with us that fluid would cease to drain and he would be released from the hospital. We will keep you posted.
Once again, thank you.
Eli and Eden love their little brother
a magician stopped by
It was a joy to wake this morning and see the pictures of Griffin and all of his family, smiling and enjoying one another. A good gift from the Father above. We continue to pray that you will all be home together very soon, smiling, playing, and laughing there. Your words and pictures reminded me of this old hymn: Trust and Obey for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
You are all love an amazing God!
Thanking the Lord for a bit of joy to cling HOPE onto!!
There's nothing as sweet as being re-united with family when you've been apart for awhile. These are the ones you cherish through thick and thin and who make you smile from deep in your heart. And thanking God for Jesus ~ the One who's made such precious love possible.
John and Amber, my heart is so heavy for you all. We are praying and can't wait to see little Griffin back home and healthy again. You are both such an amazing example to all of us of how to face trials with complete trust in God. Thank you. We'll keep praying!!!
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