Saturday, April 9, 2011
I am so thankful to my brother in law Donny, who came out to sit and talk with me tonight. He even brought some chocolate shakes from portillo's. It has been a long past four days. I have lots to say, but with Griffin asleep i need to get some rest so that I don't get sick.
Here are a couple big things that need to happen for Griffin to get home:
a) the fluid on his lungs needs to be gone.
b) he needs to have his chest tubes removed. (they are there to drain the fluid in and around his lungs)
c) begin taking blood thinners
d) regulate the right dosage of blood thinners (can take a couple of days to do this).
We are looking at another 3-4 days here in the hospital if everything goes according to plan.
Pray that everything moves along quickly.
Thank you.
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