yesterday was a long one. we were up at 4:00 and on our way to the hospital by 4:45. the hospital was a ghost town. nobody in sight. we registered and they showed us to the pre-op room. he was prepped for surgery; weight, height, and a lot of ID checking. they gave him something called versed. it knocks him out a bit and causes temporary amnesia, i like to call it 'liquid courage.' it allowed him to be able to go into surgery without screaming at us or at the nurses carrying him. he was in surgery for about 4 hours. everything went really smooth with surgery. the procedure is called a Fontan, and he now has a Gore-Tex tube connecting his IVC to his pulmonary artery. Griffin will never have a normal heart, however now his heart can function in a way to allow him a life that is like everyone else's.
now we have to wait over the next week to get his chest tubes removed and get him used to being on blood thinners. i put together a video of all the things that went down yesterday you can watch it here.
thanks for praying and supporting amber and i through all of this. we can't thank you enough.
we love God, his people, food, good friends, learning, theology, worship and our beautiful kids. this blog is to update you about our son griffin and his heart defect, and also to initiate conversations about anything interesting.
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