Some Exciting Things

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hey Everybody

Sorry we haven't posted for a while there has been a lot happening.  Since Griffin had his surgery on Wednesday, Amber let you know about his difficulty after the surgery and how he kept both us and the nurses on our toes.  Well since those initial moments of stabilizing after surgery he has leveled out significantly and steadily improved.  

Yesterday, which would have been Friday, they removed the tube that went down his throat and the ventilator that went along with it, which for us was so exciting because it was the first time since he was taken to the NICU that we have seen him without it.  Here is a picture of what he looks like without it.  He has what are called cannuals in his nose still helping him at this point.
It was also exciting because we were able to hear his little noises and grunts for the first time since he was he born.  The doctors and nurses have been so encouraging in telling us that he is doing really well.  

Now today they removed even more things and he is progressing very well.  They were able to 
remove the tubes from his nose and his chest tube, also they are continually weening him off of his medications and fluids.  Also a huge excitement was that he was able to eat some real food, not just IV fluids and nutrients.  Here are some more pictures of him from today. (you can see the incision on his chest)

It has been just a huge relief to keep hearing that he is doing so well and that he is strong.  We are looking forward to hopefully bringing him home this week.  We are just praying that there are no major setbacks from here on out. 

The tough part is knowing what the future holds.  This isn't the end, we have made it over the first big hurdle and now face two more surgeries over the next couple of years.  I think we aren't too afraid of what the future holds right now for two reasons.  First, we are just relishing in the fact that he is doing well and we will have him home soon, so there is no point in worrying about what tomorrow will bring for today has enough troubles of it's own.  Second, we have come to trust God so much throughout this experience that we can truly do what James 1:2 says and "count it pure joy when (not if) trials come."  Because we know that God is in control of it all and also that the trials themselves bring endurance and strengthen our faith.  
My prayers have centered only on a couple things over this past couple of weeks.  One that Griffin would be healed and the other that God would look beautiful, and wonderful, and compassionate, and glorious through this situation.  Many people ask "why does God let the innocent suffer?" or "how could God let this happen?"  I hope to show that God is infinitely loving, and infinitely wise and that nothing slips past Him, and even though I don't fully understand why this happened to us and to Griffin I can say the words of the great hymn "It is Well With My Soul."

One last thing and then I need to go to sleep.  Please pray for Amber, she is now starting to feel sick.  Pray she feels better because soon we will able to hold Griffin and I want her to be able to hold him and feed him.  Pray she doesn't get sick, thank you.


The Vanker Family said...

Oh, I love him sooo much! What a love. God has been so kind and faithful to sweet Griffin. I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for your sweet babe.

Shannon said...

I am just continually amazed by the both of you. Seriously. How blessed little Griffin is to be born into such a strong family. The way you guys are walking through this is such a testament to the Lord. God has been so faithful! We'll continue to pray for complete healing. And also for a covering of health over the both of you!

Love you guys!

Lindsey and Mark said...

What a handsome man!! Thank you for sharing your faith in God's goodness throughout all that has occurred. It is inspiring and beautiful. It is so evident that Christ is walking with your family every single step. What amazing plans does God have for Griffin's life?? We will continue praying...

-The Meyers


I am so praising God for this report! Thank you for the wonderful witness you all are! Your baby is so precious and I find myself thinking and praying for him (and you) often. It is so wonderful that God allows us to carry one anothers burden as brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for taking the time to update. I cannot imagine how your lives must feel like they are on fast-forward!! Trusting all will be fine and that HE will be glorified!!

February 2, 2009 1:14 PM

hinger happenings